The Birds of Guernsey - an annotated checklist

Use the links to the left to select species. The accounts include the following information:

This includes information on how common the species is, whether it breeds and for vagrants the number of records

The accounts give a brief summary of the status of the species in the UK and Europe and a detailed account of the species in Guernsey including, where relevant graphs detailing the number of records per year and a monthly breakdown of the records. Graphs go back to 1969 for scarce vagrants but for common species these represent total numbers from the montly records submitted by observers to the LSG Ornitholgical Section. These accounts are not complete for most species but most warblers are done. More to be added...

Records & Photos
Records in the LSG database are avilable to be viewed - click on the link to view them. Similarly, any photos uploaded to the site may be viewed.


Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis
Fort le Crocq, 24 October 2008
© Paul Hillion